I suffered from depression and anxiety attacks. I was plagued by low self-esteem and shyness and I had no hope of ever having a good life. My father drank heavily and chased us around when he got home. We had no money and everything was broken in our house.

Two years ago I met Jesus and He healed everything about my life. I have never experienced so much peace before I met Him. I read books about depression and anxiety before i met Him, but I couldnt fix myself. Jesus fixed me immediately. I struggled trying to quit smoking by myself, two weeks after I met Him I quit for good, no cravings. My father stopped drinking the same year I met Jesus. I was in a car accident last year, the car rolled a few times, I got flung out and landed on the grass, unhurt. I'm not shy anymore. I used to be very thin, I even gained something like 15 kgs (His Word is health to my bones). 

I'm experiencing so much peace in my life and everything I've ever experienced makes sense. I have a bright future ahead of me, all because I know that Jesus is the brightness in my future. He will never leave nor forsake me, and He loves me with everything inside of Him. 

I used to wonder when the pain was going to stop. But now i have a happy, excellent, great, fantastic life, and I have the best Friend ever, Jesus. His love for me really transformed my life. Thank you Jesus.


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