He is also a Father who heals broken hearts !

A child who never receives proper love and acceptance, especially from a father, usually struggle the most with God.  Rather than desiring to want to know about God, and what they can do to walk in harmony with God so they can become ALL that God desires they can become in this life, they go out of their way to avoid God, believing God can't be trusted. 
Mike felt God couldn't be trusted.  Mike believed the most common lie told to humanity ' and believed by humanity.  Here's the lie so much of humanity believes about God.  IF GOD CAN BE TRUSTED, WHY HAVE I BEEN HANDED THIS ROTTEN PLACE IN LIFE BY GOD?

Mike hated being in prison, and understandably so.  Yet after promising himself while in prison that he would never break the law again, amazingly ' once he was released from prison ' something inside him would take over, and to his very own amazement, he would be tempted to break the law again, and somehow believe that he wouldn't get caught.  Then back to prison he would go, with more years tacked onto his record.
This painful cycle kept repeating itself.  The time came when Mike had so many criminal charges against him, he could not possibly live long enough to serve out all those prison terms.  Yet God was working.  God was sending Mike people who Mike always felt were a bunch of wacked out religious nutcakes.  Yet the Holy Spirit was using them to plant and water spiritual seeds that eventually would one day sprout out of the dry, parched ground inside Mike's fractured heart.
Through much pain, Mike finally came to the wise conclusion that we can make all the excuses we can come up with to resist the help of God to fix our messes, or we can let Him heal us of our emotional wounds from the past so that we can become in this life what God fully intends for each of us to become, and God has all the power to bring it about! 
Mike shares that as he began to finally work in obedient harmony with the Creator, miracles began to happen!  Could YOU use a miracle from God right about now?  God might just use Mike to plant a miracle seed, as you listen to all six parts of this amazing testimony of Gods transformation power of a 280 pound muscle man who now travels all around the world giving hope to others that they do not have to live with broken and shattered hearts, nor do they have to settle for less than ALL God intended for them to become in this life.  
Mike shares with multitudes around the world that through the help of God, nothing is impossible if we each will work in cooperation with God, instead of against Him.  The secret is to know HOW to properly work in cooperation with God.  That comes from the help of The Holy Spirit.
Voices on the outside and voices on the inside our head will try to convince us we are CRAZY to do what the Holy Spirit may be telling us to do at the time, but all those voices fail to bring to our remembrance one little reminder:  Our foundation of trust in God grows in CONFIDENCE by only one means:  HEARING the Holy Spirit AND OBEYING the Holy Spirit.  The most common way to HEAR the Holy Spirit is to prayerfully read the words He has written.  You will find His words written in the Holy Bible.  It terms of obeying Him?  He will provide the ability as long as you mean serious business with the heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 
You can talk about the love and acceptance of God all the way to your grave, and it won't accomplish one thing in light of eternity for you, if you try to bypass understanding what God accomplished for humanity by dying on the Cross for us.
You were aware that GOD Himself shed His innocent blood on the Cross for you because of His incredible love for you, RIGHT? 
YES ' that is no miss-type.  The Bible speaks clearly enough to tell us that it was not just a mere man who did some amazing miracles for 3 ' years of his life.  The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ was one of the three persons of the eternal Godhead before He came to earth and lived here for 33 years as a human, to be tempted to sin like everyone else has or ever will be tempted to sin, and as a mere man, never SINNED ONCE.  Because He never sinned once, that made Him acceptable to be the one and only perfect sacrifice for the sins of every person, which includes YOU. 
And upon his resurrection from the tomb, Jesus Christ went back to glory to take His rightful place in the eternal Godhead.  When He went back to glory in the highest heavens, the other Person of the Godhead - the HOLY SPIRIT - was sent to earth in His fullness to empower those who put their trust and faith in Jesus Christ to become all that God the Father intends for them to become and accomplish in their life.
If you have never heard this ' God HIMSELF took your punishment for your sins so you would not have to be punished for them for eternity.  That requires you to make a decision that with effect your eternity.  Either you make it your number one aim in life to find out about this incredible truth, or you dismiss it as mere hogwash like Mike Benson essentially once did, but only to one day come to realize that it was his ticket to absolutely nowhere, other than one more layer of pain added on top of so many others.
In one sense, other than losing ones soul to be out of the presence of God for eternity after dying, then suffering for ones sins, how more sad could it be to come to the sobering realization that most people who live and die on this planet never know all that they could have become, if they ONLY would have had sense enough to work in cooperation with the Lord, instead of against Him. 
Please friend, do not waste your life.  Let God have it, to take your mess, and turn it into one glorious message for His glory, just like Mike did.  Until you do, you are settling for less than what God has available for you.  And that just happens to be in THIS life.  None of us fully know what God has in store for each of us in ETERNITY, if we will have sense enough to grab hold of the One who paid the price so that we could experience eternal life with God in glory.  Lets repeat that:  ETERNAL life. 


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