Homeopathic medicines that can provide holistic treatment for cancer. Cancer is characterised by the unwanted increase in body cells. In a normal healthy condition, the cells are born and destroyed at a proper time. In cancerous conditions, the division and multiplication of cells becomes uncontrollable and occurs at a very high pace. Homeopathy has a huge number of medicines, which are made of natural substances, to deal with early stage cancer cases. In advanced stages of cancer,however, Homeopathic remedies cannot provide a cure. In such cases, only palliation — care that makes you feel better though it can’t cure — is possible with natural Homeopathic medicines.It must be kept in mind though that the natural Homeopathic remedies for cancer are completely safe with no side effects.
Top Homeopathic Remedies for Cancer 
Homeopathic remedies for cancer of uterus (Endometrial Cancer)
The natural Homeopathic medicines that are of great help for treating cancer of uterus are Bufo Rana, Lilium Tigrinum, Lachesis and Murex. Homeopathic medicine Bufo Rana is mainly used when bleeding from vagina occurs in between periods. The blood is mainly clotted and offensive. Burning pains are often present in the uterine region. Lilium Tigrinum is the natural Homeopathic medicine that is very beneficial in treating uterus cancer cases. This Homeopathic medicine is mainly used when there is heaviness and a distended feeling in uterine region, with an extreme bearing down sensation. Women requiring Lilium Tigrinum may have an enhanced sexual desire. Lachesis is the best Homoeopathic remedyforwomen with uterine cancer who complain of extreme heat flushes and palpitations. Homeopathic medicine Murex is the ideal remedy when severe pulsating, sore or sharp pains are present in the womb. The uterus may be enlarged also. A prominent symptom for the use of this medicine is extension of the pain from womb upwards towards the breast. The other natural Homeopathic medicines used for treating cancer of uterus are Kreosote, Sepia, Phosphorus and Ustilago.
Natural Homeopathic medicines Kreosote, Hydrastis, Iodum, Sepia and Argentum Nitricum can be considered as natural cancer treatments that work effectively in treating the cancer of cervix. Kreosote is the topHomeopathic medicine for the treatment of cervical cancer. This is mainly used if the vaginal discharges are very offensive and acrid, causing a violent corrosive itching of the genitals. Another indication for using this medicine is bleeding from vagina after coition. Homeopathic medicine Hydrastis is prescribed when the vaginal discharge is thick yellow and excoriating with erosion of the cervix. Iodum is the best remedyin the Homeopathic mode of treatment for women with cervical cancer who loseflesh even with a good appetite. Extreme weakness and emaciation are leading symptoms for using Iodum in cervical cancer cases. NaturalHomeopathic medicine Sepia is the ideal choice when there is pain in vagina during coition. It may be accompanied by a discharge from vagina of greenish or yellowish colour. A feeling of relaxation in pelvic organs with bearing down pains in pelvis confirm the use of Homeopathic remedy Sepia. Homeopathic medicine Argentum Nitricum, on the other hand, is the top remedy when vaginal bleeding occurs very frequently in between periods.
Best Homeopathic medicines for breast cancer
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