I met a certain man, he was nice, wanted marriage almost immediately and that blew my mind away because that was what I had been craving.
I did not listen to the word of God which says, “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers”. I also failed to learn from the counsel of Abraham when he told his servant to look for a wife for his son amongst his own people, meaning people who feared the Lord and the loyal to him. That said my brethren I was engaged within two weeks and married within three months. I defied all the warnings from the Lord in my dreams and visions that his will wasn't for me to get married to a non-believer.

Pain and Regrets

To cut the story short, two months after the marriage we were divorced. I went through extreme emotional trauma, mostly so because I had gone away from the Lord. I didn't seem to find God anymore and in my brokenness my prayers seemed not answered. I searched for the Lord daily through the scriptures and in prayers, wanting to hear he was still with me.

Golden Words

I kept wallowing in pain and regrets until six months after my divorce one day when studying the scriptures, I heard the voice as clear as daylight and the Lord told me he will always be with me and that he will rewrite my story. That my past of pains and hurts were over.
These were the golden words and immediately from that day I felt as though a load had been taken off my shoulders. I felt the peace of the Lord come again into my spirit and I just felt at peace again with God. 


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