• In Jesus Christ,  I am justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.  Romans 3:24  
  • In Jesus Christ, I am God's child for I am born again of the incorruptible seed of the Word of God which liveth and abideth forever.  I Peter 1:23
  •  In Jesus Christ, I am able to endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.  2 Timothy 2:3
  • In Jesus Christ, I'm forgiven of all my sins and washed in His shed Blood. Eph 1:7; Heb 9:14; Col 1:14; I John 2:12, I John 1:9
  • In Jesus Christ, I have eternal life.  John 3:36
  • In Jesus Christ, I have passed from death into life.  John 5:24
  • In Jesus Christ, out of my innermost being will flow rivers of living water.  John 7:38
  • In Jesus Christ, the truth shall set me free.  John 8:31-32  (Knowing who you ARE in Jesus Christ is a huge and profitable revelation of that truth!)
  • In Jesus Christ, if I ask what God has promised, in Jesus name, He will do it.  (As long as it is the Father's will for me, of course.  What we can miss in reading John Chapters 14 & 15 is that God desires above all things that we make it our number one purpose as Christians to strive to allow the Holy Spirit to grow Christ-like fruit in our lives. [See: Galatians 5:22-24 to know what these "fruits" are].  Because God above all else is looking for Christ-like character growth in our lives, we sometimes struggle wondering WHY God doesn't grant us whatever we ask of Him.  Though many will disagree with me, which is their right, I have yet to find one ironclad guarantee in the Bible that will motivate God to answer every prayer I pray the way I want Him to answer it.  Neither have I met a Christian who can confidently convince me that God answers every prayer they pray the way they want Him to answer it. God desires that we have confidence when we pray to Him, but He also desires that we honor Him by our acknowledging that we accept however He responds to our prayers, simply because He's the only one who knows all things, understands all things, and knows what is BEST for each of us at any given time in light of eternity, and for others we pray for).  John 14:14; John 15:7-8
  • I am in Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ is in me.  John 14:20
  • In Jesus Christ, peace is mine.  John 14:27
  • In Jesus Christ, I am loved by the Father.  John 16:27
  • In Jesus Christ, I belong to God.  I am His.  John 17:9
  • In Jesus Christ, I am protected from the evil one.  (John 17:15).  Implementing Ephesians 6:10-18 greatly secures God's protection for me.  This is not to assume I am exempt from demonic attacks.  The Apostle Paul wasn't, and he is the one the Holy Spirit used to write the book of Ephesians, among other Books where Paul speaks of the persecution of Satan he faced primarily through the religious people who opposed Jesus, though the ruling Romans showed little love for him either.  The Apostle Peter also experienced spiritual warfare, which fully qualified him to write by unction of God the Holy Spirit:  "Be sober, be alert, because your adversary, the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour."  [See: 1 Peter 5:8].  Peter is not writing this to the unsaved.  He is writing it to the Body of Christ, the Church - born again believers.  As the balanced counsel goes forth from mature believers:  Christians are never to fear what Satan can do them, but neither are they ever to become complacent, nor ignorant of his devices and strategies to rob them of their peace and joy and faith and spiritual and emotional life (love for God; zeal to keep doing God's will; determination to walk in obedience) in Christ Jesus).
  • In Jesus Christ, I am being sanctified by the truth of God's Word (as I believe it and obey it).  John 17:17
  • I am in Jesus Christ and loved by the Father.  John 17:23
  • In Jesus Christ, I have forgiveness of sins through Christ.  Acts 13:38; 1 John 1:9
  • In Christ, I am among the called of Jesus Christ.  Romans 1:6
  • In Christ, I am beloved of God, called to be a saint.  Romans 1:7
  • In Jesus Christ, I have been justified by faith, and I have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.  Romans 5:1
  • In Jesus Christ, I am saved from eternal punishment for my sins solely by God's grace and the faith God gives me to trust Him for my salvation.  Beyond trusting, there is absolutely nothing I could possibly do to earn that salvation, nor must I ever think that I somehow deserve this salvation.  Salvation is the gift of God, from God.  Ephesians 2:8
  • In Jesus Christ, I have perseverance, character and hope, when I purpose to glory in my tribulations, (rather than constantly complain about them, or become angry and bitter at God for allowing them to happen to me, which is what demonic spirits serving Satan delights seeing happen to you and I!)  Romans 5:3-4   [Here is a writing that helps to explain the crucial importance of dealing with suffering and hardship correctly that is highly recommended reading:  http://www.precious-testimonies.com/WeeklyEncouragerArchives/AcquiringPeace.htm ]
  • In Jesus Christ, the love of God has been poured out in my heart through Jesus' death.  Romans 5:5
  • In Jesus Christ, I will eventually reign in life through the obedience of Christ Jesus to the Father.  Romans 5:17
  • In Jesus Christ, I have been made righteous through the obedience of Christ.  Romans 5:19; 2 Corinthians 5:21
  • In Jesus Christ, because I have been given the righteousness Christ had and has, I now am commanded of God to diligently strive daily to live up to this righteousness that Christ secured for me.  (Not giving into temptations to sin, in other words, walking in obedience to the Word of Truth).  1 Timothy 6:11; 2 Timothy 2:22
  • In Jesus Christ, I died with Christ when He died.  Therefore I have Christ's power in me to help me stop sinning.  I have the right to appropriate this power to conquer areas of sin in my life, for it is clearly God's will that I stop sinning.  Romans 6:2 
  • In Jesus Christ, because Christ rose from the dead, I have been raised from the spiritually dead to walk in newness of spiritual life through Christ.  Romans 6:4
  • In Jesus Christ, I no longer need to be a slave to sin, because God has given me His power in Christ to became a vessel to holiness and obedience.   Romans 6:6
  • In Jesus Christ and through the strength and power of Christ, I AM an overcomer.  Philippians 4:13; 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
  • In my own strength and own power, I can accomplish nothing that pleases God.  John 15:5
  • In Jesus Christ, what I purpose to do daily is seek the help of the Holy Spirit to help me understand when I am sinning; help me understand why God doesn't want me committing that sin; and then help me overcome that sin(s) in my life.  Romans 8:13  
  • In Jesus Christ, I am not under law, but under grace.  Before Christ died for sinners on the cross, I was under the law.  To be saved, I was to try to obey the 10 commandments (which the Bible says no one can do, though Christ did).  After Christ died for sinners on the cross, I was under grace.  Under grace, I no longer had to try to obey the 10 commandments to become saved, but rather, trust that Christ paid full penalty for all my sins, taking my full punishment for them.  And because I'm now under grace, I realize there is nothing to lose and everything to gain by my keeping the Ten Commandments, but without the resurrection power that is imparted to us in Christ and by the help of the Holy Spirit, we won't be able to faithfully obey the Ten Commandments anyway for very long.  Yet I must always remember lest the devil try to deceive me as the book of Galatians addresses, trying to keep the 10 commandments will not, and will never, save me from my sins, nor will it save anyone else.  Neither will restoring any daily sacrifice as was practiced in Old Testament times by the Jews save me or anyone else from my or their sins.  Romans 6:14; Galatians 5:18 
  • I once was a slave to sin before I was saved, but now that I am secure in my salvation in Christ, I desire to be a slave of righteousness (addicted to righteousness; right-relationship with God, in other words).  Romans 6:18
  • In Jesus Christ, I have now no condemnation because of who I am in Christ, (though I BETTER have Holy Spirit conviction when I've offended God, because all sin offends God.) Romans 8:1
  • In Jesus Christ, I have been set free from the law of sin and of death.  Romans 8:2
  • In Jesus Christ, I have spiritual life in my mortal body through His Spirit who indwells me.  Romans 8:11
  • In Christ Jesus, I am a child of God.  (When I wasn't in Christ Jesus, I was a child of Satan).  Romans 8:16
  • In Christ, I am an heir of God and fellow heir with Christ.  Romans 8:17
  • In Jesus Christ, all things are working ultimately together for my good, as I walk in God's purposes and His will, in love.  Romans 8:28; 1 John 5:3
  • In Jesus Christ, I have been justified and glorified in the mind of God, and I now strive to walk in obedience to the Word of Truth to glorify the One (Jesus Christ) who secured my justification and glorification.  Romans 8:30
  • In Jesus Christ, I have a measure of faith.  Romans 12:3
  • In Jesus Christ, I have been given gifts, though I also know that I'm to desire supernatural gifts at all times imparted by the Holy Spirit, to glorify God.  Romans 12:6; 1 Corinthians 14:1
  • In Jesus Christ, I am to desire spiritual gifts, but diligently PURSUE love, because it was love that motivated and keeps motivating God to pursue me and you.  1 Corinthians 14:1
  • In Jesus Christ, whether I live or die, I am the Lord's.  Romans 14:8
  • In Jesus Christ, I am a sanctified saint, (but living it out daily is a different matter, though it is God's will that I eagerly strive to do so, with the help of the Holy Spirit and God's Word!)  I Cor. 1:2
  • In Jesus Christ, I have been given the grace of God.  I Cor. 1:4
  • In Jesus Christ, I have been enriched in every way.  I Cor. 1:5
  • In Jesus Christ, I am called into fellowship with God.  I Cor. 1:9
  • In Jesus Christ, I qualify to be given wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. I Cor. 1:30
  • Because of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and my choice to identify with Him, I have been given God's Spirit so I can understand what God has freely given.  I Cor. 2:12
  • In Jesus Christ, I am God's fellow worker, I am God's field, God's building.  I Cor. 3:9
  • In Jesus Christ, I am a temple of God in which the Spirit of God indwells, though I also realize that I can grieve the Spirit of God by giving place to ongoing sin...disobedience...teaching false doctrine...twisting scriptures out of context and/or improper scripture application.  (Grieving the Holy Spirit for any length of time almost always brings chastisement and discipline upon us, which is always painful to one degree or another).  I Cor. 3:16; Ephesians 4:30
  • In Jesus Christ, I am a holy temple of God (but my flesh is likened to an unholy temple where demons frequent when I continue in sin!) I Cor. 3:17
  • In Jesus Christ, I am one spirit with God's Spirit, (though my sinful flesh begs to differ far too often!)  I Cor. 6:17
  • In Jesus Christ, my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in me, and because God says it is His temple, I strive to make it a holy temple daily through the help of Christ's strength in me to walk in the Spirit rather than the flesh.  However, as a word of caution, no matter how much a person conquers areas of sin in their life, this is not, nor will it ever, be what saves them from their sins.  BELIEVING what Christ accomplished for us on the cross is what saves us.  Nothing less.  Nothing more.  We are not saved from the penalty of our sins, by our good works.  We are saved from the penalty of our sins by our trusting; and we are saved to do good works.  I Cor. 6:19
  • In Jesus Christ, I have been bought with a price, and I desire to honor God with my body, (which encompasses my spirit, my soul, and my physical body). I Cor. 6:20
  • In Jesus Christ, I am Christ's slave (though I'm not so arrogant nor naive to believe that my selfish and fleshly carnal nature has been stripped fully of its power to keep me from being a slave to it's sinful desires, which is why I need to daily purpose to walk in the Spirit, so I don't fulfill the lusts of my flesh).  I Cor. 7:22; Galatians 5:16-17
  • In Jesus Christ, I will be raised from the dead imperishable.  I Cor. 15:52
  • In Jesus Christ, I will put on immortality.  I Cor. 15:53
  • In Jesus Christ, I am comforted by God, so I can comfort others.  2 Cor. 1:4
  • In Jesus Christ, I am delivered from the peril of spiritual death, providing I'm willing to give my ALL to God in obedience to maintain my deliverance.  2 Cor. 1:10
  • In Jesus Christ, He anointed me, and put His seal of ownership on me.  2 Cor. 1:22
  • In Jesus Christ, I am a fragrance of Christ to God among both the saved and the lost, as I behave like Christ would behave.  2 Cor. 2:15
  • In Christ, I am a letter of Christ being written.  2 Cor. 3:3
  • In Christ, I am a minister of the new covenant of the Spirit of life.  2 Cor. 3:6
  • In Christ, I am being transformed into the likeness of the Lord Jesus ever increasingly with glory from God the Father by the help of the Holy Spirit as I walk in obedience to His Word of Truth.  2 Cor. 3:18
  • In Jesus Christ, I have received mercy, and do not lose heart through Christ who strengthens me and by the help of the Holy Spirit.  2 Cor. 4:1
  • In Jesus Christ, I have the Holy Spirit in my body.  2 Cor. 4:7
  • In Jesus Christ, the life of Jesus is manifested in my body, as I diligently work in cooperation with the Holy Spirit to help me.    2 Cor. 4:10  See: Romans 8:13
  • In Jesus Christ, my inner man is being renewed day by day.  2 Cor. 4:16
  • In Jesus Christ, I have a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.  2 Cor. 5:1
  • In Jesus Christ, I live by faith, not by sight.  (That is, I live by faith in God's wisely applied promises in His Word, and any rhema word(s) God has imparted to me.  Otherwise I may be living by presumption and/or assumption without even knowing, which can give demons an open door to trip me up).  2 Cor. 5:7
  • In Jesus Christ, I am a new spiritual creation; old things have passed away, and all things have become new.  2 Cor. 5:17
  • In Jesus Christ, I am reconciled to God, and I have been given the ministry of reconciliation.  2 Cor. 5:18
  • In Jesus Christ, I am an ambassador for Christ, imploring people to be reconciled to God.  2 Cor. 5:20
  • In Jesus Christ, I am the righteousness of God.  2 Cor. 5:21
  • In Jesus Christ, I have grace from God so I can abound in every good work.  2 Cor. 9:8
  • In the love of God, I am Christ's.  2 Cor. 10:7
  • In God's love and mercy and grace, Jesus Christ is in me.  2 Cor. 13:5
  • I am crucified with Jesus Christ, as the Apostle Paul was qualified to state, so I too in Christ want to be able to confidently proclaim this.  I no longer live but Christ lives in me, and the life that I live now, I live by faith in Christ."  Gal. 2:20  
  • I am a son of God through faith in Christ Jesus.  Gal. 3:26
  • I am one in Christ Jesus with all believers.  Gal. 3:28
  • I belong to Jesus Christ.  I am an heir through Christ according to the promise.  Gal. 3:29
  • In Jesus Christ, I am a son of God.  Gal. 4:6
  • In Jesus Christ, I am no longer a slave, but a son; and if a son, then an heir through God.  Gal. 4:7
  • In Jesus Christ, I have grace and peace.  Eph. 1:2
  • In Jesus Christ, I am blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.  No matter how difficult life may have been for me up to this point, or how difficult it might get in the future ... nothing changes the fact that I am blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.  Once I'm in "heavenly places," my faith will become sight - halleluiah!  Eph. 1:3
  • In Jesus Christ, I am chosen in Him.  Eph. 1:4
  • In Christ Jesus, I am holy and blameless in God's sight.  Eph. 1:4
  • I am a son through Jesus Christ.  Eph. 1:5
  • In the beloved (Christ) I am accepted by God the Father unconditionally, which also means that I am loved unconditionally by God the Father in the beloved (Christ).  Yet a word of sobering caution needs to added to this amazing truth.  God expects those who are loved unconditionally in Christ to OBEY Him.  Believing spiritual deception is one thing.  Passing ALONG our spiritual deception to OTHERS as though it is uncontested truth - uncontested fact - can send us straight to hell!  If there is one thing that angers God more than anything else we can do in this life ... it is passing along our spiritual deception to others as though it is truth.  Most all of us have been spiritually deceived at one time or another as followers of God, just like the Apostle Paul once was, but if we don't periodically examine what we believe and are teaching others, and show a willingness to God to admit that we were wrong in what we believed and have been passing along to others ... God's unconditional love and acceptance toward us can be thrown right out the window, so to speak.  The most serious sin/s a person can commit after they have given their life to Jesus Christ is to keep passing their spiritual deception along to others, and refuse to see it as error.  (See: Eph. 1:6)   God warns us in James 3:1 about this sobering matter:  "My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment."
  • In Jesus Christ I have redemption and forgiveness.  Eph. 1:7
  • In Jesus Christ I have obtained an inheritance.  Eph. 1:11
  • I have been sealed in Jesus Christ with the promised Holy Spirit.  Eph. 1:13
  • I am seated positionally with Jesus Christ in the heavenlies because of all that Christ accomplished for me by His going to the cross; fully realizing how secure I am in my relationship with God, but again, in and through Christ.  Eph. 1:20
  • In Jesus Christ, I am loved by God, and because I am loved by God, I demonstrate my love for Him and others by earnestly striving to keep His New Testament (New Covenant) commandments.  Yet keeping God's commandments does not motivate God to love me more.  In Christ, I ALREADY have all of God the Father's unconditional love.  Obeying God's New Testament commandments will bring God's increased favor and/or blessing one way or the other in God's timing and God's ways, not His love.  Eph. 2:4; 1 John 5:3
  • In Jesus Christ, I have been made alive together with Christ.  Eph. 2:5
  • In Jesus Christ, I have every right to feel confidently secure that I have been raised with Him and seated with Him in the heavenly places.  Eph. 2:6
  • In Jesus Christ, I have been saved from my sins by grace through faith -- this salvation of His forgiveness for my sins is a gift of God.  Eph. 2:8
  • In Jesus Christ, I am God's workmanship created for good works.  "Good Works" as in striving to obey the New Testament commandments to be more Christ-like in every way possible.  Eph. 2:10
  • I have been brought near to God by the (shed) blood of Christ.  Eph. 2:13
  • Jesus Christ is my peace because He is at peace with the Father and the Holy Spirit, and He IS peace personified.  Eph. 2:14
  • In Jesus Christ I have access in one Spirit to the Father.  Eph. 2:18
  • In Jesus Christ, I am no longer a stranger and alien, but I am a fellow citizen with the saints.  Eph. 2:19
  • In Jesus Christ, I am a fellow heir and fellow member of the body of Christ.  Eph. 3:6
  • In Jesus Christ, I am a fellow partaker of the promises of God.  Eph. 3:6
  • In Jesus Christ and through faith in Him, we have boldness and confident access to God the Father.  Eph. 3:12
  • In Christ Jesus, I am strengthened with power through His Spirit in my inner man.  Eph. 3:16
  • In Jesus Christ, I have a power source within me which is able to do abundantly beyond all that I ask or think.  Eph. 3:20
  • In Jesus Christ, I have been given grace.  Eph. 4:7
  • In Jesus Christ, I have been forgiven, so I forgive others through the strength (ability) Christ provides when I need it.  Eph. 4:32; Phil. 4:13
  • In Jesus Christ, I am confident that He who began a good work in me will perfect it until the day (return) of Christ Jesus, (or the moment in time when I stand fully in the presence of God).  Phil. 1:6
  • In Jesus Christ, God is at work within me both to will and to work for His good pleasure.  Phil. 2:13
  • In Christ Jesus my Savior and Lord, I am a spiritual light in the world.  Phil. 2:15
  • In Jesus Christ, the peace of God guards my heart and mind as I pray with thanksgiving in everything.  Phil. 4:6,7
  • In Jesus Christ, I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me. (In accordance with the Father's will, of course)  Phil. 4:13 
  • In Jesus Christ, God shall supply all my needs (not necessarily all my wants) according to His riches in glory.  Phil. 4:19
  • In Jesus Christ, the Father has qualified me to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light, as long as I remain faithful to Him until my time is done on this planet. Col. 1:12  (For the "once saved - always saved" folks who believe it is impossible for them to lose their salvation ... they are highly exhorted to diligently seek God for full revelation of what Jesus meant when He said:  "But he who endures to the end shall be saved." (Matthew 24:13).   
  • In and through Jesus Christ, I have been delivered from the domain of darkness and transferred to the kingdom of His beloved Son.  Col. 1:13
  • In Christ Jesus, I have redemption and the forgiveness of sins.  Col. 1:14
  • Jesus Christ is in me, the hope of glory.  Col. 1:27
  • In Jesus Christ I have already been made complete, yet until I reach heaven, I'm to live UP to that completeness!  Col. 2:10  
  • In Jesus Christ I have been buried with Him in baptism.  In and through Christ I have been raised up with Him through faith.  Col. 2:12
  • In Jesus Christ, I have been made spiritually alive together with Him.  Col. 2:13
  • In Jesus Christ, all my sin debt to God was paid in full at the cross.  Col. 2:14
  • I have been raised with Jesus Christ, and I set my heart on things above (things that are most important to God).  I have died (to my carnal, fleshly sinful nature), and my life (whatever pleases the Father) is hidden with Christ in God.  Col. 3:1-3
  • In Jesus Christ, I have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of the Creator.  Col. 3:10
  • I am rescued by Jesus Christ from the coming wrath of God that will be poured out upon Earth.  I Thess. 1:10  [But God also conveys a very important and sobering warning in the Parable of the 10 Virgins.  We are to remain focused on a daily basis on how we can please God, in accordance with the fullness of the New Testament commands being our spiritual lamp ... to keep us on the right (righteousness) path].
  • In Jesus Christ, I am taught by God to love others (treat others the way I want to be treated, in other words).  I Thess. 4:9
  • I will meet the Lord Jesus in the air and be with Him forever (providing I'm in the category of the 5 virgins who keeps their lamps filled with the burning desire to be pleasing to God in every way the New Testament exhorts us to do).  I Thess. 4:17
  • I am loved by the Lord.  God has chosen me in Christ from the beginning for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and faith in the truth.  2 Thess. 2:13
  • The faithful Lord will strengthen and protect me from the evil one because of who I am in Jesus Christ (but I must also use my Ephesians 6:10-18 weapons of warfare that God has given me to use...not to let them sit in some dark corner of a closet to collect dust, so to speak.)  2 Thess. 3:3
  • In Jesus Christ, I have been called to eternal life.  I Tim. 6:12
  • Because of who I am in Jesus Christ, God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind -- which happens to be nothing less than the very mind of Christ.  2 Tim. 1:7; 1 Cor. 2:16
  • The Lord has saved me and called me to a holy life, not according to my works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was granted me in Christ Jesus for all eternity.  2 Tim. 1:9
  • I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day (He returns to earth for His Bride, or when I die a natural death) because of what God secured for mein and through Christ Jesus the Word.  2 Tim. 1:12
  • Because of what Jesus Christ accomplished for me at the cross, The Holy Spirit dwells in me.  2 Tim. 1:14
  • In His love for me, He has purposed to redeem me from every lawless deed and purified me for His own possession as I purpose to walk in obedience to His New Testament commandments, yet knowing full well I may fall short of doing that from time to time.  Titus 2:14
  • The Holy Spirit has been poured out upon me richly through Jesus Christ my Savior.  Titus 3:6
  • I have been justified by His grace in Christ and made an heir through Christ in having the hope of eternal life.  Titus 3:7
  • By the help of the Holy Spirit, I fix my thoughts on Jesus (and what is important to Him), the apostle and high priest who I confess.  Heb. 3:1
  • In Jesus Christ, I am a house of Jesus Christ.  Heb. 3:6
  • I have become a partaker of Christ through the divine will of the Father.  Heb. 3:14
  • As God has rested from His work, I have rested from my works (not trying to somehow be "good enough" to earn salvation (forgiveness for my sins), in other words, or be "worthy enough" to receive salvation), knowing that in Christ, I can feel secure that all the work necessary was accomplished by Christ on the cross to qualify me to stand in the presence of my Holy God this very moment without fear of eternal condemnation.  Heb. 4:10
  • In Jesus Christ, I have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens.  Heb. 4:14
  • In Jesus Christ, I have a high priest who can sympathize with my weaknesses.  Heb. 4:15
  • In Jesus Christ, I can approach the throne of grace with confidence, so I may receive mercy and find grace to help me in my time of need.  Heb. 4:16
  • In Jesus Christ, I have been made holy through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. (Although I realize that as long as I'm on this planet prior to Christ's physical return, the sanctifying (purifying) work of the Holy Spirit will be ongoing in my life).  Heb. 10:10
  • In Jesus Christ, my heart has been sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and my body washed with pure water.  Heb. 10:22
  • Because of Jesus Christ, I have a great cloud of witnesses surrounding me who are also in Christ.  Heb. 12:1
  • Because I belong to Christ Jesus, God disciplines me for my good that I may share His holiness (this is referred to as the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit).  Positionally, in Christ, I have already been made holy and righteous.  Because of that truth, I am now to pursue holiness and righteousness, seeking to imitate the character of Jesus Christ in every way - daily.  Heb. 12:10; 2 Cor. 5:21
  • In Jesus Christ, I have received a kingdom which cannot be shaken, and I am thankful and worship God.  Heb. 12:28
  • Because of the security I have in and through Jesus Christ, God will never desert me nor forsake me.  Heb. 13:5   (Although I realize I'm not exempt from God's testing, and the test of "feeling forsaken" is perhaps the most difficult test to go through, though God strongly desires that we pass it, if He allows it to visit us, which is more common than not.)  Heb 13:5
  • Through the sacrifice Jesus Christ gave for my sins on the cross, I am made holy through Jesus' own blood shed on the cross.  (Although I have not obtained a state of sinlessness either; until I receive my glorified body while I'm on this planet, I'm still fully capable of sinning). Heb. 13:12
  • Jesus has equipped me in every good thing to do His will, working in me that which is pleasing in His sight because I have chosen to identify with Him.  Heb. 13:21
  • In Jesus Christ, God generously and without reproach gives to me wisdom if I ask Him, but I must be patient to get it sometimes, and I must be willing to seek Godly counsel from others at times or it may not be given to me.  James 1:5
  • In Jesus Christ, God has promised to me the crown of life when I persevere under trial.  James 1:12
  • In His great mercy, I have been born again into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.  I Peter 1:3
  • In Jesus Christ, I have obtained an inheritance which can never perish, spoil, or fade away, reserved in heaven for me.  I Peter 1:4
  • I am protected by the power of God through faith until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time because of who I am in Christ.  I Peter 1:5
  • Because He is holy, I am holy. (Positionally speaking - New Covenant promise to those in Christ), I am holy in Jesus Christ, which was given me as part of the eternal gift of salvation, accomplished on the cross for me by Christ.  Experientially - in practicality, I must strive daily with the Holy Spirit to not give in to sinful temptation as much as possible.  This falls under the category of sanctification, or "working out" my salvation.  Satan has twisted "working out my salvation" by trying to get us to believe that we must WORK to gain and/or keep our salvation.  NOT TRUE!  Believing is how we gain and keep our salvation, and BECAUSE believing Truth (Truth being: The message of the Cross) is what saves me and keeps me saved, I am expected by God to LIVE UP TO IT -- TO SHOW EVIDENCE THAT I'M SERIOUS ABOUT DESIRING TO BE PLEASING TO GOD).  1 Peter 1:16
  • I was not redeemed with perishable things like silver or gold but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.  I Peter 1:18-19
  • I have been born again in and through Jesus Christ, not of seed which is perishable but imperishable, that is, through the living and abiding Word of God.  I Peter 1:23
  • In Jesus Christ, I am a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a person for God's own possession, that I may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called me out of (spiritual) darkness into His marvelous light.  I Peter 2:9
  • In Jesus Christ, I am part of the family of God, and I have received mercy.  I Peter 2:10
  • In Christ Jesus, and by His wounds I am healed.  1 Peter 2:24.  The entire context of the scripture needs to be quoted for this portion of scripture to be fully understood, thus let's quote it:
For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps: "Who committed no sin, nor was guile found in His mouth"; who, when He was reviled, did not revile in return; when He suffered, He did not threaten, but committed Himself to Him who judges righteously; who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness - by whose stripes you were healed.  1 Peter 2:21-24 (NKJV). 

Some in the Body of Christ believe this is referring to physical healing and little or nothing else.  WRONG!  Where, in the full context of this scripture, is God talking only about physical healing? He's clearly talking about "dying to sins and living for righteousness" and "Christ's atonement and what it all represents in God is what equips them to DO so"!  Thus in our modern day English language, we can better understand the intention of the usage of this word "healed" by stating that born again Christians are delivered and empowered (equipped; made whole; made complete) to walk in victory over sin.  For anyone trying to tie physical healing into this scripture as the primary application of this scripture passage (which is what some in the Body of Christ are being taught to do, sadly) ... they are highly encouraged to diligently study this writing:  ProperRulesOfBibleInterpretation 

This 1 Peter 2:21-24 scripture is primarily addressing the same issues being addressed in Romans Chapter 6:  Christians have been DELIVERED and have subsequently been EMPOWERED by the Father, Christ Jesus, and the Holy Spirit inside them to walk in victory over sin in their lives (that followers of God in the Old Testament weren't empowered with prior to the Holy Spirit being poured at at Pentecost).

I realize many of my dear brothers and sisters in Christ will take GREAT issue with what I've said here, but ask yourself this very important question:  Is God more concerned about me getting my physical healing than He is my getting serious about gaining victory over areas of sin in my life?  The answer should be obvious.  Physical sickness will not send me to hell, nor will it cause me to have a loss of rewards.  Sin will.

Least anyone get the impression I am against physical healing, or downplaying God's desire to physically heal His people, you can read the following link:  http://www.precious-testimonies.com/Exhortations/f-j/healingGodsWill.htm

Having said the above, I am in full agreement with this writing concerning physical healing:  http://stronginfaith.org/article.php?page=29 ... but feel this writing needs attention as well when seeking physical healing:  http://www.precious-testimonies.com/Exhortations/p-t/PrayerOfFaith.htm    
  • In Jesus Christ, I have been made alive in the Spirit.  I Peter 3:18
  • The Spirit of glory and of God rests upon me because of who I am in Christ.  I Peter 4:14
  • In Jesus Christ, His divine power has granted to me everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.  2 Peter 1:3
  • In Jesus Christ, He has granted to me His precious and magnificent promises, in order that by them I might become a partaker of the divine nature, purposing to escape the corruption that is in the world by lust.  2 Peter 1:4
  • In Christ Jesus, I have been purified from my former sins.  (Any future sins I commit, I appropriate 1 John 1:9 and strive diligently to obey Romans 8:13 as I am temped to sin after that, yet fully realize that no one living on this planet obtains a state of perfect sinlessness - for any length of time that is - prior to receiving their glorified bodies at the resurrection of the just) 2 Peter 1:9
  • If I confess my sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive me and purify me from all unrighteousness, but I realize that I'm also to repent of my sin(s), which means to diligently strive to allow the Holy Spirit to help me change the way I THINK,  so I can then stop committing that same sin(s) in the future.   I John 1:9
  • In Jesus Christ, I am now a child of God.  I John 3:2
  • Because I keep His commandments through the power of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, for the glory of God, and do the things that are pleasing in His sight, whatever I ask, I receive from Him. 

    As Christians, you and I have the privilege of claiming this promise. God wants us to be confident when we pray to Him, but experience will teach a Christian that you can quote all the scriptures you want, fast as long as you can, throw holy-ghost hissy-fits in your frustration if you feel you must ... yet God is not a "magical genie" that ever allowed one of His created beings to get their selfish way for very long, if at all, if they wanted God's blessings on their life.  If anyone reading this has a "secret formula" for having God grant them their everyrequest, please identify yourself!  
    1 John 3:22

As an ending side-note, once I personally began to comprehend the importance of knowing and believing why it is so crucial to know what my identity in Jesus Christ is ... I might be about as miserable as I've ever been at the time, but when people ask me how I am, simply as a friendly greeting usually, my very first response to them now is, "Blessed in Jesus!"  In the flesh, I may be having a very bad day here on planet Earth...yet I force my mind to remind myself that because of WHO God says I AM in Christ ... I am only confessing what GOD says about me, rather than what my miserable circumstances from the past, or the present are trying to coerce me to believe.  For the most part, I simply am waging effective spiritual warfare when I say that, and diligently purposing to "take every thought captive to the obedience of the Spirit of Jesus Christ," which is what scripture admonishes believers to DO. (See: 2 Cor. 10:5).
Sometimes people are taken back by that, because it's not the world's way of answering them, but it preaches a very LOUD MESSAGE to the demons lurking in the unseen background, and it conveys a crucially important truth to other Christians:  Norm Rasmussen is fully aware of the importance of constantly reminding myself of WHO I AM IN JESUS CHRIST.  I can't possibly recount the number of times when I've been under major demonic attack, yet as soon as I make that confession, oppression lifts off of me.  Try it for yourself, be persistent, and monitor the results.  You'll find it pays huge dividends!
For people who are under continuous mental oppression of various sorts, I would strongly encourage you to consider starting your day by thanking God, OUT LOUD, (so demons can hear) of who God's Word says you are in Christ.  The more you repetitiously speak out loud WHO YOUR ARE IN CHRIST, the more you'll begin to BELIEVE it.  Some people simply have a very difficult time breaking through to begin believing the promises of God of WHO THEY ARE IN CHRIST, and the more they confess those promises out loud, the quicker the Holy Spirit will help them begin BELIEVING it, and as that takes place, demons will then go look for another victim...knowing they no longer have the opportunity they once had in keeping you spiritually and mentally ensnared.
Another writing on the importance of knowing  who you are in Jesus Christ
You may want to be aware that this page is what I call "a work in progress."  From time to time, changes may very well be made in hopes of making it more effective.  If you feel that the wording on this page is untrue, misleading, or could be expressed in a more understandable way, I encourage you to write me and let me know.  I can't promise I'll respond back, but I will certainly pray about any positive and/or constructive suggestions you may make. 
