symptoms of colon cancer AND IT'S SAFE TREATMENT !


It is possible to cure the cancer, if it is detected in its first stage. When the tumor in the colon is very small, isolated, and confined to the primary site, it is easy to remove it surgically. Such condition is known as stage zero colon cancer; which is actually difficult to detect, because a small tumor usually does not exhibit any symptoms or the symptoms exhibited are so mild that they are misinterpreted and neglected. As the cancer starts growing, it moves beyond the innermost layers of the colon and spreads to the nearby lymph nodes and organs. When the cancer invades other parts of the body such as liver or lungs, the condition is recognized as stage 4 colon cancer which is the most advanced stage of the cancer.

Average Life Expectancy for Stage 4 Colon Cancer

The life expectancy for colon cancer varies according to the stage at which the cancer is detected. Usually, the warning signs like pain in the stomach, diarrhea, jaundice, rectal bleeding, weight loss without any reason, anemia, fatigue, constipation, indigestion, nausea and vomiting are neglected or misinterpreted. Mostly, such symptoms are considered as symptoms of common problems related to indigestion, acidity, spicy food, late-night dinners, lack of sleep, etc. and people think they will get rid of these problems very soon.

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